
Helichrysum italicum is considered as a medicinal plant with the natural antibiotic, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. The helichrysum italicum plant is also referred by other names, such as curry plant and Italian strawflower, Italian Everlastings, or Immortelle. Helichrysum oil is used in traditional Mediterranean medicine since ancient times. Studies have shown that helichrysum essential oil can be helpful in the healing process, fighting against infections, and reduce inflammation. Oil is extracted from the green plant of helichrysum by the steam distillation process. The oil has a rich spicy blended with earthy, sweet, and honey-like aroma. Helichrysum oil contains α-Cedrene, α-Curcumene, Geranyl acetate, and Limonene with proven bactericide and fungicide activity. Researchers found that helichrysum oil is beneficial against gingivitis and other bleeding gums. Helichrysum oil rinse keeps the gums, teeth, and mouth looking clean and healthy.
Discover the Power of Helichrysum in Breath of Life Essential Oil Blend